My question this week: What is your take on the whole skinny jeans fashion trend? Do you love 'em? Hate 'em? Should there be an age limit imposed? Should they be outlawed all together?
At first I thought they were awful, but my kids wanted to keep up with the times and talked me into getting some for them. After seeing them on my kids, I don't think they're so bad after all. Of course I'm a little biased, but I think my kids look pretty cute in them. These aren't the ones that fit like latex though, they are fitted, but not skin tight. They have some give and don't make them look like they are wearing wet suits. Still, I've seen some horrendous fashion don't with this trend and I think skinny jeans can be dangerous on the wrong bums, lol. What about you?
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i believe that one should dress up according to one's body type and not to the trend. if the trend is great for one's body type, then go for it, otherwise,... eek!
as for skinny jeans, if it works and looks good - SURE!
I absolutely LOVE them!!!! I wear them all the time. They're so comfy and since I'm short, they make my legs look a lot longer than if I wore a flared bottom. :)
I love them but I wear a loose top over them so they kinda look like tights.
Hmm, me? not a big fan. But that's because I have a big rump and a body that will never get in them!
I dont know. I haven't see many different ones to make the choice. The one I tried on, I didn't like. It was all cut and washed out and just looked old. even though that was supposed to be the style.
I hate them :D
Hi there! Long time no visit!!
Skinny jeans just remind me of when I was in school, and we had the pegged jeans. Remember that? But, I don't have a problem with my daughter wearing them.
I love skinny jeans on the Princess Nagger - she can pull off the look. Me, not so much. Darn Swenson Thunder Thighs I inherited! ;)
Aloha Follow: Goody Bags
I definitely don't love them - but that could be because I can't wear them!
I really do not know. However My body will not support them,lol.
My AF question for you
I don't mind skinny jeans as long as I can still fit into them. :-) I recently tried a pair of leggings that look like jeans which were pretty cool!
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