Last week we took a trek down by the Chesapeake Bay to watch Daddy "do jumps from his helicopter." Yes, he jumps out of a perfectly good helicopter on purpose. It's just part of his job. Unfortunately, I didn't get close enough to get any really clear shots of the action, but if you squint a little and watch the first video, you'll see him plop out into the water. In the second video he gets hoisted back up. Fortunately Daddy is wise enough to know that a full dry suit is necessary to keep the jelly fish from stinging. Some of his buddies...not so lucky.

That is SOOOOO Awesome.. I just get to watch my hubby get on and off a SHIP.. bwahahahaha but (fingers crossed) NO MORE.. lol.. Just wanted to stop by and thank ya for the words of encouragement on my post yesterday, and the {hug} I needed it.. hehehe that and a Volume.. but I'll take the hug.. lol
It's definitely easier to see him going up than plopping, but I do believe I saw the plop. :)
WOW what an adventure!
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