I read about this contest and thought: what a great idea to slow down and reflect on the things in life that are better then ever. With all the news of the down-turned economy, job losses, oil spills, and tragedies, it's easy to buy into the doom and gloom. But, the truth is, we have a lot of control over how rich our lives are. Remember, the best things in life are free!
As I reflect on the last several years of my life, I can see how much richer I am. Sure we need a bigger house, as we're welcoming baby 4 into this little 3 bedroom ranch; and we really need a new car for daddy, who sweats in the heat wave every day on his way to and from work with no A/C! But, in the grand scheme of things, those are small worries. First off, we're all healthy and well, which is a huge blessing. And beyond that, I know that we are blessed to have each other and be able to spend so much quality time together.
Years ago, when I was a single working girl in an ad firm, life was great when I could hit the mall and score a new pair of shoes, or have a big night out with the girls. I eventually found Mr. Right, and when I was a newlywed having my first baby, I had planned on going back to work after 6 weeks. We had hoped to find a nice house and keep up with the Jones's, designer shoes and all.
I had little idea of how my world would change so quickly. As it turned out, I became a stay at home mom and later a homeschooler. Being able to watch my kids grow and learn...and to grow with them every day, has been such an amazing adventure. I never would have imagined all of the joys and trials, the exhaustion and inspiration, or the lessons and rewards that this journey would offer. And I do it all, happily, in my store brand flip flops.
Today I am so much more responsible, grateful, patient and wise than I was all those years ago as a young working single girl who lived for happy hour. Sure, I have some great memories of good times with friends and professional accolades, but they pale in comparison to the fulfillment and wealth of love I experience now. Life is so much better than I could have imagined. Better than ever!
So, what about you? What in your life is better than ever? Stop by TwitterMoms to link up your posts on the topic, or visit Dove's Facebook page to share your stories and photos.
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Dove® gofresh™ blogging program, making me eligible to get a $25 gift card and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

It's amazing how fulfilling motherhood is!
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