My question this week is: Growning up, in which activities did you excel? Sports, music, drama, dance? Did you belong to any groups or organizations?
I studied ballet for about 9 years and loved it. Unfortunately I have no photos left from that time and only a few old VHS tapes. Still, they're fun to watch. My kids have tried soccer and ballet so far. I think we're adding baseball this Fall. It's fun to see where their interests lie.
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I was more of a sporty girl! I was better at sports than dancing. I wasn't involved in any organizations. I was more involved in jr. high with the basketball team and cross country.
Music... i really loved to sing. Was in the theater and Music dept at high school. Stared and played in Musicals, both as a teen and adult.
lol, i excelled in talking..
tooooooo much!
no really, i was in chorus...
not into sports, was normally taking pictures at the events
I ran in cross country in high school. Really that is about it. I wish I would have gotten into something more.
Cheerleading :)
Which is completely a sport by the way!
I always liked art a lot.
Have a great Friday!
My teacher told me I was great in chemistry so I guess that :-/
I almost exclusively did band. I was section leader, band manager etc.
Art. =D
Honestly, I was in a lot of things and not good in any of them, lol. Especially sports. BUt I was pretty good at writing. Although that was just for fun.
I did softball for a while, liked being the catcher. Was more into arts/crafts. Did Girl Scouts for many years and in high school Key Club.
I was very good in gymnastics!
I played piano,took ballet and baseball!!I started playing in the band and just ran with it!
I excelled in creative writing. As a youth I did baton. I also began band in middle school playing the flute. I did chorus for a year. I played tennis in high school. I was yearbook editor and in several different clubs/organizations throughout school.
I have never been a sporty one, I remember I was in a church choir in elementary and high school and I was in a stage and street plays when I reach college.
I was a dancer--I danced 4-5 times a week and was on a competition team. I LOVED every single minute of it.
Lately, I am feeling torn with what to enroll my son in. At 6 years old, I feel like he is just too young to grasp the committment to an extra cirricular activity. But, that said, reading your question reminded me that at 6 years old, I was already dancing. So, maybe it is time to let him choose something.
Ireally did not excel in anything... I was very active in church. My girls of course are good at sports and with animals.
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