A Thousand Words Thursday

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nope, this wasn't today ;P I was just feeling nostalgic and went searching through the archives. This pic is def worth a thousand words to me.

For more Thousand Words Thursday stop by Cheaper Than Therapy.
Cheaper Than Therapy

momstheword said...

What a precious picture! I love looking at pictures from when my kids were little!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

nostalgia is good...and the picture is beautiful!

sarasophia said...

So sweet.
Takes me back to the last time I was in a hospital bed myself with my new little daughter in my arms and my three sons snuggling in to peek at her tiny face<3

Best Day Ever.

<3 sarasophia

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Absolutely a thousand words, indeed! ;)

Jennifer said...

What a sweet picture! I love the band-aid on your son's forehead! LOL!

More Than Words said...

And I can totally understand why!!!

Amy Dingmann said...

Aw....the pictures of mama, the big siblings and the new baby are always so cute. Its like that picture says "Woah. Life as you know it...over!" But its all for the good! :)

Darcie said...

Those pictures are for sure indescribable.

I am Harriet said...

Oh neat! Why not feel nostalgic?


Aimee said...

Aw, what a great picture! I love newborn pics!

really.truly said...

Wonderful, adorable picture!

Anonymous said...

aww love wonderful family photos! They look so proud to be older siblings.

Vickie said...

Oooo, so precious! Love the picture.

I see your quote about the villiage not raising your kids and I laugh everytime:)

Anonymous said...

Ooh! So beautiful!

Jennifer said...

They look so proud! What a beautiful family!

MediMonsters said...

Great picture!! TFS

Anonymous said...

Aww what a special moment! TFS

Marla said...

love your header... here for ATWT and the comment challenge which is see you are also working on... good luck!

Chris said...

absolutely beautiful pic!

Laurie said...

So cute!! I'd love to know the story behind the band-aid on his forehead! :)


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