When they see him, people often ask how much he eats. Truth is, he doesn't eat much more than a lab would eat. We feed him about 2 cups of dry dog food twice a day. Then, of course, he likes to counter surf and gets his snacks by following the kids around while they eat. Still, it's not much considering his 165 pounds. I eat much more than he does. He drinks from the sink, and, when no one's looking, from the toilet.
Other comments we frequently get when we take him out include: "Why don't you just put a saddle on him and

He is a Harlequin Great Dane, and though he is the size of a miniature horse, he can't be ridden (the kids have tried). We got him when he was headed to the local Great Dane Rescue after the family who purchased him as a puppy decided they could no longer keep him. He is 5 years old. Hardly a puppy, but still full of spunk...most days.
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