Friday Photo Journal, March 22, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019

Happy Friday friends! Here we are swinging into the weekend again already. Our week was filled with co-op classes, Girl Scout cookie booths, drama rehearsals, more doctor appointments, St. Pat's celebrations, and work, of course. Last weekend was full of excitement, as our oldest two headed off to the dance. Our homeschool Co-op, along with another local homeschool group, puts on a spring dance for teens.

This was our first year attending, and I have to say that I was impressed with how it all came together! I really only saw a peek of the set up as I dropped them off, but the place was decorated to the hilt, and the DJ was on point. My daughter said she danced the entire 4 hours, as did most of the kids. She was sore for days, ha ha! Oh, to be young again...

My shots this week include the pre-dance photos I forced them to comply with as we headed out the door, and a few pics from the fun St. Patrick's Day festivities my mom and step-dad hosted for us. 

How was your week?
Please link up your posts below. Have a great weekend!

Friday Photo Journal, March 15, 2019

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Happy Friday all! Another week in 2019 gone already... I do wish time would slow down a bit. I'm happy to see spring on the horizon, but the days with my kiddos just seem to fly by, especially when work gets busy.

This week we had some warmer weather, so the kids did spend a bit of time outdoors. Lots of trampoline jumping and neighborhood friends in the yard. I love those kinds of days! We also had co-op, our troop's Girl Scouts World Thinking Day celebration, and various appointments to keep up with. How was your week? 

Thanks for visiting! Please link up your posts below. 
Have a super weekend!

Friday Photo Journal, March 8, 2018

Friday, March 8, 2019

Hi friends! Happy Friday. Once again, I am so sorry this post is late - barely still Friday! I'm juggling Girl Scout events, prom prep, client sessions and a wedding to prepare for tomorrow. It has been a full week and this weekend promises to be busy too.

Here is a random smattering of what our week looked like:

Puppy chow time, Girl Scout Thinking Day prep, Taco Doritos! (I don't usually buy Doritos but I couldn't resist the trip down memory lane), shopping for shoes for the dance, our resident gamers, first blooms, and kicking it old school with the Wii.

How was your week? Link up below and let me know. 
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have an awesome weekend!


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