My personal purpose for this project, which began in 2013, is to keep up with documenting my own family's journey. It's a weekly reminder, when life and work get busy, that photographing our story is just as important as the memories I collect for my clients. Some weeks I can only manage a few iPhone shots, but the important thing to me, is to keep shooting. When I look back at the images collected on this blog (even the terrible, tiny ones shot in Auto many years ago), I am SO thankful for all of the treasured memories my family will have to enjoy for years to come.
Happy Friday! The snow has lingered all week. It was crazy cold, in the teens for most of it, but today started a warm up and tomorrow will be 68. I've had my taste of winter and I'm ready for spring now. ;)
We were house bound for several days. Yes, everything here shuts down when it snows. We're in the South. Public schools were out for a whole week! Other than playing in the snow and drinking hot cocoa, we didn't accomplish much this past week (though I did make my kids get back to schooling after 2 days. #meaniepantsmom).
Our one adventure was an ice skating trip. Little Miss has begged to go, so we took the girls last weekend. It was 19 degrees and I thought my toes might shatter into 1000 pieces after about 15 minutes, but they loved it! Little Miss took off in no time and ventured out to the middle of the rink. That one is fearless I tell you.
How was your week? Link up your posts below and share your story!
Thanks for visiting! Have an awesome weekend.

That looks like a fun time. Hope the weather gets better. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.
I'm so glad you are continuing the project - I need a constant reminder to soak up life & not let it pass me by.
A lot of fun here!!!
Thank you for hosting.
It's always fun to do something that you only do in a blue moon! Kids are so fearless--it's a shame we grow up to be scared of so much.
I feel like the weather has been weird this winter for a lot of people. Here in Idaho, it has been way warmer and less snowy than last year. Yesterday I even had my patio door open for a while!
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