So, last week I had a whole slew of photos to share with you and this week I've got squat. Truth is, I have only picked up my camera once this week and that was during a mentoring session last Sunday. The rest of the week was consumed with homeschooling, cheerleading practice, basketball, Girl Scout meetings, home improvement work on the house and very little else. So, I have a random smattering of images to post and not much noteworthy to share. I had hoped to fuel the flames of inspiration this winter and get really creative with shooting all sorts of things in my "off" season. But, I have had trouble finding the motivation. I'm much more prone to hibernation in the winter.
Got to play with my favorite munchkin who was a model for my mentoring session.
Also played with some sun flare just because it's cool and I didn't have to get cold to do it. Even though this image breaks all kinds of rules, I still kind of dig it.
It's got a groovy kind of I-don't-care-gonna-let-my-light-shine-bright vibe.
And I'm totally cheating with these, but I'm gonna post them anyway because I forgot to when I took them in November. I'll call them Valentine's roses. ;)
So what's kept you busy this week?