In this last post of 2015, I am sharing a few images I took this week when I finally eeked out a little time for some personal shooting, along with a video compilation of our holiday celebration this year.
2015 was a year of growth, struggle, change, success and a whole lotta stress. Honestly, I had hoped the year would be more golden than it was for me. But it was a stepping stone and a necessary building block to where I hope to take my business and where we, as a family, hope to go. I worked hard. Really hard to build something substantial, and while I did not reach all of my goals, I reached many and that is worth celebrating.
I had hoped to find a better balance between work, family, and personal growth. While I did manage to balance the scales a bit better than the year before, I fell short in coming to any real solution. However, I am sincerely grateful for all of the opportunities, the support and the love that 2015 afforded me. And I am very appreciate of your continued support here as I find my way through the struggles of parenting, homeschooling, business building and mid-life.
I wish you all much joy, love, peace and prosperity in 2016. Happy New Year!