Hello my friends! I am so glad you have stopped by. I hope you have enjoyed a week full of blessings. At our house, at the prompting of my 7 year old, we have recently started a new dinner time tradition where we each give our high and low for the day. It is a fun way to connect with the kids over life's ups and downs, and it really helps us count our blessings.
So, out of curiosity, what was your high/low for the week?
My high was working on some personal photography projects that really have me pushing myself creatively. I feel alive and connected when I can indulge that part of myself. Oh yes, and my uber-awesome husband generously purchased a beautiful new lens and some lighting gear for me. More on that soon! My low was worrying over life's business matters like insurance, taxes, etc.
I'm looking forward to seeing your posts and hearing about your week. Link 'em up!

Hope y'all have an amazing Easter, Melissa. XO!
Lovely as always, have a wonderful Easter!
I like your dinner time tradition, I might try it in our family.
What a great new tradition! How deep of her to suggest that. Love these moments you captured. My high this week was sorting out some thoughts on living joyously, to aspire and inspire. My low, getting a cold just in time for Easter.
Beautiful week in photos. Exciting to hear of the new lens & lighting. So sorry to hear about the woes. I am struggling with that as well. Knowing that our current insurances in place might not be viable if I take the full plunge into biz is sad & frustrating. The biz side of being in biz can sure suck the joy out of creating beautiful images. Here for you- the shoulder is always available if needed. You do amazing work- don't get discouraged by all the other stuff.
Thanks for hosting and congrats on the new glass! :)
I love that 2nd shot on the top! Wishing you a beautiful Easter weekend.
Beautiful photos! Looks like a great week! Exciting about the new lens and lighting! Bummer about the business worries.
The kids and I do the high/low thing at dinner, except we call it good/bad.
My good would be that I'm finally over the yucky cold I had. And the bad is that the kids had a snow day on Monday (March 25th!!!) and had to go to school yesterday, which was supposed to be part of their spring break.
Hmmm, new lens and lighting, sounds great! Well, you probably already know my high and low . . . low having a sick child in the hospital, high for coming home only after a day. Have a wonderful Easter!
Gorgeous photos as always, Melissa!
Have a wonderful Easter!
I love hi/lows. How fun! Great shots and hooray for blossoming trees. I'm anxiously waiting for the cherry blossoms to bloom here in DC. My high this week was finally having a chance to take update baby bump photos and my low was the snow we got on Monday. Boo!
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