Hello friends and happy Monday. I imagine many of you are off work and school today. We are taking a light school day, but working a little nonetheless. It's nice to have an extra day to relax a bit. It was pretty noisy around here this weekend as we had roofers banging around all day Saturday, and then finishing up our new roof this morning. Fortunately it looks great and it now leak free!
Last week was busy with editing Valentine and baby photos. I'll share more of those tomorrow, but today I wanted to share one of my favorite memories from last week. You might have seen this if you popped by last Friday. Here it is again, a little bigger. I love watching these two bond ;)
I'm also participating in a P52 with Kim Young on Shutterbag's Facebook Page.
If you are on FB you should check it out too :)
Thank you so much for coming by to visit. I hope you have a wonderful day!

DEF a moment to capture and remember!
oh this is just beautiful! :D
This took my breath away. What a sweet moment!
That just warms my heart.
Oh my goodness - so so sweet!!
What a precious photo! The black and white is effective, too.
Now that is a sweet shot!
These moments really touch the heart. Love this shot!!!
Such a sweet shot. It warms the heart.
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