Here we are with the final week of Project Rewind 366! I can't believe it's been a whole year. I have really enjoyed this project and it has been a wonderful reminder to capture those precious little every day moments. I have to give a huge thank you to Gina and Sarah for been such gracious and wonderful hosts each week!!
Here's my peek at the last week of the year:
And here's my favorite from December:
Here's my peek at the last week of the year:
And here's my favorite from December:
I love that this project has prompted me to keep a better record of our daily lives. I like having a weekly prompt for collecting all those images in an organized way and sharing them. Keeping up with a Project 365 can sometimes feel tedious, but I'm really glad I completed one!
For 2013, I'd like a more relaxed way of collecting weekly memories. To that end, I'm starting a new project for 2013. I'll be hosting a weekly meme called Friday's Photo Journal. It will be a fun link up where you can feature your favorite images from your week. You are welcome to showcase one for each day, one a week, or anything in between, whatever fits your schedule. And all photos are pics, point and shoot, DSLR, anything goes. If you want to include a journal entry that's awesome, if you are short on time, a visual recap works too. Just capture those sweet memories and share them!
I'll have occasional giveaways just for fun and I'll post the first linky this Friday.
So, come back then to join in!