I haven't had much of a chance lately to explore outdoors and capture all those gorgeous fall colors, but I did manage to snap this shot of one of our bushes. I love the deep reds and purples showing this time of year.
I also happened upon this beauty in our neighbor's garden.
I rented this baby for the wedding last weekend, and the one I'm shooting with Sarah next weekend. Sadly, I was way too busy to capture many images at my sister's wedding, so I haven't used it much yet. It is a monster and delivers some gorgeous compression and creamy bokeh!! I love what I've seen so far and can't wait to use it for a Senior shoot tomorrow.
Here's one of the first shots I took with that lens. Granted it's not a fantastic image, but I just love what's going on in the background. I didn't enhance that at all in processing, except to throw the old film style preset on it in LR.
Here's a favorite of mine from the rehearsal dinner. We were watching a slide show I made of the happy couple from their early years through present day. Talk about a walk down memory lane!
I loved capturing the reactions of family and friends. I didn't want to distract everyone with my flash going off, so I cranked my ISO up to 5000 in the dark room and shot at f/2.8.
They aren't portrait-worthy, but I was able to capture the scene without disrupting it.
Here's a shot of my handsome hubby and baby girl all decked out.
And the bouquet I carried as maid-of-honor. The flowers were amazing! I'm so thrilled for the newlyweds and thankful we were able to share in their day surrounded by family and friends. I will take away many happy memories from last weekend, even if I wasn't able to capture many of them on camera. Thankfully she had an awesome photographer who spent 9 hours at the wedding site! I can't wait to see those pics!!!
And here's one more I have to share. My big girl lost her first tooth last week! Followed shortly after by her second ;)
That's it for last week. What have you been up to?
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Now that is some lens! Wow!!
These are fun shots! Glad you are making your way back!
I had no idea you could rent lenses. That's awesome. You have come such a long way since you really jumped into photography!
Love that gappy grin! Cool lens effect too. Have fun plying with your new toy.
Great pics! Looks like it was a fantastic wedding!
Awwww what a fabulous week!!!!! Can't wait to see more of what that lens does- I hear it's a keeper.
So glad I found your site! (Thanks for your comment on explorenewness.wordpress.com)..I'll be visiting often because it looks like I'll be inspired to improve my photography skills! Really nice captures!
Oh my gosh! Your little girl is adoorable! Look at her hair! I love it!
Great series of photos!! Congratulations to your sister!! What an exciting time!! We are having an engagement party for my sister this weekend! That lens looks amazing!! I've known about Borrowlenses, but guess I never really checked into it too much. How long do you get to keep the lense for? Can't wait to see more photos from your upcoming shoots with it!
Love the spider shot! I too have been wanting to rent a lens...but would only do it for weddings, otherwise I wouldn't make much money on regular shoots. Great shots!
Great shots. They are so great. I hope we dont get rained on Saturday!
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