So here we are, marching off into August already. Are you ready for back to school? We really school all year, but this summer we've taken it pretty easy. I'm not sure I'm ready for the hectic pace of homeschooling and all the extra curricular activities that go with it. This year promises to be especially busy with my oldest playing in the advanced soccer league, plus my other kids in rec soccer, girl scouts, PE, and the hubs in grad school. I may even be going back to school too. It all makes my head spin. I really need to get uber-organized so I don't burn out in the first month.
I'm sure we'll manage, but I'd really like to soak up some more summer fun first! We have hardly even been swimming this year. We really need to get busy with some pool and beach days before they slip away. What about you? What's still on your summer to do list?
Here's my look back at last week.
This a shot of Little Miss waking up from nap time.
We love to venture down to the river in our neighborhood to explore.
This time of year, the blue crabs are really active.
Just hanging out while daddy grills our dinner. Her big hair cracks me up.
I'm on a quest to capture the perfect water drop. You'll probably be seeing more of these.
I also played with backlighting. That needs more work as well, but I do love that glowing light.
And this girl is killing me, growing up so fast!
This one I captured for the Scavenger Hunt prompt "eyelashes". I just never got all my prompts together. Lazy me...
Here's my July favorite:
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What have you been up to?

Thanks for stopping by! Make it a great week :)