Well here it is, 8:30 in the evening and I have no idea where the day has gone. We did buy a new car (old new car for the hubs - with AC woo hoo!) and took a short stop on the bay to put our toes in the sand. But, the rest of the day was a blur and I feel like I accomplished little. I had two shoots planned for today and both were postponed. I still have a million emails to catch up on, studying, editing and the house is not clean. Where does the time go?
I think it gets sucked into a giant vacuum and the only thing on the other side is old age. Anyway, I'm off to start shuffling kiddos to bed, but I leave you with this image. Even though I'm feeling a bit defeated and useless today, this photo is making me happy. I hope it makes you happy too ;)

Melissa, I feel your pain. The days are flying by!!! Enjoy your weekend!!! Again, beautiful girl. :0
Love it. So cute!! Days do go by too quickly.
Beautiful photo! Did you use PS for editing? I've been having the same kind of day here. Tons of cute pictures to edit, but just not enough time!
It most definitely make me feels happy - look at the catchlight in the eyes, let alone her smile! I'm totally with you in 'where's the day gone' question.
That's a beautiful smile, very spontaneous and happy.
I have had days like that! Fortunately, they aren't all that way. This portrait is perfection. The composition and DOF are great! This would be beautiful printed on canvas and hanging on the wall.
SHE IS GORGEOUS!!! It definitely made me smile:)
I have many days like the one you described...... too many things to do and not enough hours in the day!
Hope you all have a great weekend, Feels like the cooler weather has moved in. Thank heavens!
Sounds like my life these days.
She's beautiful and what a joyous smile.
This pic definitely made me smile; how could it not! She is just so beautiful and this shot is just wonderful! Love it!
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