Here's comes the holiday weekend! While I'm not quite ready...lots of laundry, cleaning and packing still to do, plus a flat tire to repair...I am looking forward to some fun in the sun with family. We'll be visiting with my in-laws this holiday weekend and I will be glad to have a break from our routine. To keep it light today, I'm sharing some snap shots I took of Little Miss the other day. She has figured out how to open the doors to the fridge and freezer and I guess she needed to cool off because this is how I found her ;-P
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Linking up today at Deb's place:
Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great Thursday ;)
How adorable! I love how expressive she is :)
Hahahaha! Mine's figured out how to do that too, we always joke that it's an expensive hobby :) Love the middle one, great expressions!
Well, it has been hot lately! Too cute.
What a precious child!! Fun pictures...
Seriously- I could just eat her up! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy cow she's stinkin' cute. Bet it's difficult to punish her. That smile! :) and the hair --- I love that hair!!!!
Such cute, silly faces! And these are great in black and white.
Uh oh! I love how she is all proud of herself!;) Cute!
Oh jeez, she is too funny! Love the facial expressions too! It must be so fun photographing her! These are fantastic shots!
SO cute!!
She's a cheeky little one but oh so cute!!
Great photo shoot! Those expressions are priceless.
These are so cute! Love her curls! Love the black and white conversions.
Sooo cute!
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