Here is my photo for this week. I thought I'd try something a little different with my editing and I went for an old timey vintage look. Not sure if I like it, but it's growing on me a bit. I thought the location and wardrobe fit the edit. What do you think?
I cropped and did a clean edit in LR, then ran Pioneer Woman's Vintage in PS lowering the opacity to taste. I flattened then ran Paint the Moon's Hushed Softness lowering the opacity of each layer.
Here's my SOOC.
And my settings. This was taken with my 50 mm lens in bright sunlight around 11 AM
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave your feedback!! Join the fun here! And be sure to check out Kim's giveaway for a seat in her upcoming Photoshop and Elements online workshop!

I think you did a great job with the edit...almost looks like a painting. The original is not super sharp so this edit helped remedy that!
Thank you for joining in again. i just want to let you know to never feel obligated to join each week. Life is crazy enough, especially with kids, to ever try to commit to something every week like that. Join in when you can. I just thought maybe more people would get braver by now. ;)
I love this look! I really like the vintage feel to it and the whole Little House on the Prairie feel. I think the grain works really well over your daughter, the field, and the trees. I do think it is a tad too much over the sky, though. Maybe reduce the grain a little just on the sky? That is all I've got. this photo is very cool. You really should print it up.
I love the grainy, vintage look. Good job editing.
I love both versions of this pretty picture.
Oooo, I love this shot! Yes the location and the dress fit the entire vintage feel! Very cool edit, I think it works well!
love the curls!
Hello! I like what you did with the photo. Maybe just blur the grain a bit.
I love the vintage feel. Your cloning of the trees and grass really enhanced it! I love the texture, but it feels a little dark. Maybe if you lightened it over her and the sky? It looks great over the field and trees :) You did a very nice job telling a story with this one!
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