Here's my photo for this week's edition of Photo Feedback. To learn more about Photo Feedback and how to get really helpful critique of your shots visit Mom Tried It.
This was shot with my Nikon D5000 and my 55-200 mm lens in mid afternoon on a sunny day. I think there was a thin cloud cover passing over as I shot this one.
Thank so much for your thoughtful comments!

that is a beautiful picture!
It's so sweet Melissa- I have nothing to critique. I know- that's not the point right, but really, I can't think of anything :)
I love the sweet moment you captured between your girls. So darling!
The light is great. The colors are so nice. The detail is very good.
My only suggestion would be to have maybe zoomed out a tad to get the whole bench in the frame. You show the end of it on one side, but the other end is cut off. Maybe if it were cropped so that both ends were not in the frame?
Just a suggestion and the photo works great without it.
This photo is so sweet. I love the little ones expression (like she is so happy to be kissed) :o) The colors are beautiful but it may make a fabulous black & white also! I don't really have any critiques.
That's beautiful, and I love the sister love!
This is REALLY cute. The whole setup, the bench, the composition - just fantastic. I also love the rich colors of the shot.
Kim's idea of including the whole bench is worth a try. Other than that, can't think of anything...
Wow! you really had a great theme in here. The picture looks so cute and full of love.
Hiya! Visiting from photo feedback. Honestly, I don't really have anything bad to say about this photo. I like the composition, and the action you have placed on top. Well played.
Cute moment! Great color. I love the straight angle on the bench. I'd suggest either keeping all of the bench or getting rid of more of it. I might try to crop it to head and shoulders of the girls with only the wood on the bench. Those leading lines are great and might work on their own. Also, you have a slight tilt to the frame - of course, that is easily fixed!
Thanks for the shot that just makes me smile!
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