Hard to believe we're already in week 5 of Photo Feedback. I'm learning a lot from each critique and having a great time in the process. I really appreciate each and every thoughtful comment! And I'm thrilled to see that more folks are joining in each week. If you haven't posted a pic yet, you should consider linking up. It's really not as scary as it might sound ;)
My pic for this week is one I took the other day of our pooch, Bella:
This shot was taken mid-day in full sun with my 55-300 mm zoom lens. Here are my settings:
I removed a bit of the dirt and leaves from her fur in LR, then I punched it up a bit with Paint the Moon's PS action "A Little Zest" and sharpened for the web.
Thanks for taking the time to visit and leave your thoughts ;)

I love how much sharper it is after editing and the new warmth. You filled the frame nicely. My only suggestion is that maybe you filled the frame a little too much. I would like to see a little more space somewhere in the shot, but it totally just my taste talking. It is your photo. :P
I also like the editing, the sharpness of it. However, I have another matter of taste - I think I would prefer the original warm tones of the image (the edited image is a bit colder in tones)? But this is purely a matter of taste.
Beautiful shot, a great close-up! And so nice to meet you every week at Photo Feedback! :-)
What a sweetie! It's a wonderful portrait, especially with her black fur, which I know is hard to capture. I love the way the light hits the top of her face and falls off just at the right moment on her side and neck.
I might try to mask off the background from the warming action that you applied. It's dramatic and lovely on her face, but I think I prefer the bluer and more subtle background from your SOOC. Just another opinion...it's really a lovely shot.
She's beautiful and that is a beautiful shot of her! it is so hard to capture a black dog with dark eyes ... the light has to be just right! =) I wish I had a better camera... my doggy shots of our dark eyed semi dark faced pooch would be so much better I think! =)
Black doggie photos have to be some of the most difficult shots to take! I like the warmer tones. To be even better, I'd like to shift the photo to the right, trimming off the pink collar and leaving a little more eye space on the right. Again, these comments are largely a matter of taste, so it might not work. She seems like a sweet dog.
I love the clarity and colors after the edit. I may have zoomed out a bit to make him not so large in the picture. nice job!
absolutely beautiful!!! i love the colors that have been brought out after editing! And the sharpness is amazing!! I guess if i have to give a critique, maybe I would zoom out just a TINY bit...but that is it!! This would make a stunning black and white also!! great job!!
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