Click It Up a Notch - Jan Favorite

Project 366 - Rewind Week 4
Monday, January 30, 2012
Simple Things Sunday #9
Sunday, January 29, 2012
My simple thing for this week is puppy love. This big goofy thing is our great dane Bella. She drinks from the sink, bounces around the house like a rabbit when she's excited, can greet you eye to eye, and will happily settle down in your lap if you let her (though only a paw or two will really fit.) Love, love love <3
For more Simple Things Sunday visit Rebecca's beautiful blog:

Scavenger Hunt Sunday Week 4

This Week's Favorite Pic
Friday, January 27, 2012
Holy gorgeousness batman! Have you seen the entries lately for Shoot. Edit. Submit?! This challenge gets more and more interesting every week. There are some seriously talented photog's joining in. It is such a fun weekly inspiration. If you haven't already, stop by and check it out!
Here is my favorite photo from this week. I've been working on shooting only in manual and nailing focus. And, with all the practice, this little sweetie has learned to say "eeesh" when I point my lens in her direction. ;)

Thursday's This or That - Down By the River
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Last weekend I was feeling housebound and needed a break from feeling trapped in a petri dish. We've all been nursing colds for well over a week, and the weather had been dreary too. I drove down to the river and took some shots just for fun. A little photo jaunt is always good for lifting my spirits. Today I'm sharing a few pics from that brief excursion. As I captured them they were gray and dreary, just like the weather, so I warmed them up a bit in processing. I like them better this way ;)
Thanks for stopping in! Be sure to stop by Deb's place for more This or That Thursday:

I don't have much time to blog today, but I thought I'd post some random pics that I haven't yet shared. The odds and ends of our recent daily adventures, if you will. The best of the rest...or one for the Grandmas ;) I apologize for the photo dump, but I take pictures like a mad woman to practice and learn, and while hundreds get dumped in the trash, there are always a few less than perfect shots that I just can't bear to part with. Anyway, here they are, in no particular order.
Thanks for stopping in! The littles seem to be finally recovering from this nasty cold we've all had. Hopefully, when I get through the mountain of laundry, I'll be able to devote more time to a more cohesive post ;) Have a beautiful day!!
Baby feet:
From behind:
A break in the weather:
Idle chatter:
Are you going to eat all that?
Read to me:
Thanks for stopping in! The littles seem to be finally recovering from this nasty cold we've all had. Hopefully, when I get through the mountain of laundry, I'll be able to devote more time to a more cohesive post ;) Have a beautiful day!!

Project 366 Rewind - Week 3
Monday, January 23, 2012
Good day friends! I hope you are enjoying sunny weather, or at least some beautiful snow. We're on our 5th day of gray, misty, cold. And speaking of cold...I have had a house full of cold germs for several days, so we have been homebodies for the most part - I've spared you any photos of the snotty noses.
I really don't enjoy winter. The cold, and colorless days, the multiplying germs...not my cup of tea. Fortunately, we have a relatively short winter in these parts, or I would surely develop a serious case of the winter blues. Well, enough of my complaining (sorry)...on with the rewind!
We actually had a day last week that was pretty warm and partly sunny, so we spent some time outside.
I really don't enjoy winter. The cold, and colorless days, the multiplying germs...not my cup of tea. Fortunately, we have a relatively short winter in these parts, or I would surely develop a serious case of the winter blues. Well, enough of my complaining (sorry)...on with the rewind!
We actually had a day last week that was pretty warm and partly sunny, so we spent some time outside.
Wind power! ;)
Played with the tripod and remote:
Extreme close up of a chocolate-nosed baby:
I ventured to the riverfront for some inspiration:
My oldest in his new glasses - we discovered he needed them and he's really been great about wearing them without compliant.
This week's prompt - Start of the day:
That's it for now. Thanks for popping by! Have a great week ;)