Simply Sweet Saturday

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Okay, I know, more roses! Are you sick of my pics of roses and flowers yet?  ;)

Our day began very early today with chilly outdoor soccer games. I'm wiped out and buried deep in laundry. Tomorrow we are heading to Williamsburg to take our holiday photos. Fingers crossed that I can manage to combat the poor speckled and shadowy lighting under our favorite tree and pull off a few decent shots for our Christmas cards.  It really isn't the best spot for a photo shoot, but it has become a tradition. I'm hoping for a bit of an overcast sky to even things out ;)

Thanks for stopping in.  I hope you've had a beautiful Saturday!
Nancy said...

Good luck with your holiday photos. Sounds like fun. :)

Gina Kleinworth said...

WOW- the sun on that last one is so pretty!

Eden said...

Like Ewa, I also love roses. Great shots.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Roses have a timeless beauty don't they. These are a lovely bright colour.

Veronica Lee said...

No way! Keep those awesome pics coming!


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