Looks Who's Walking!
I smell squirrel...
Silly Face:
Iron Fence: I wanted to try this one in black and white. I do wish a little more of the center of the image was in focus. I took this shot on the fly as we were walking through Williamsburg with 4 hot and cranky kiddos. If I were to do it over, I'd try to get a better vantage point and shoot it from a little higher perspective. Still I think it looks pretty cool.
By far my greatest challenge in photography has been time. Time to set up, relax, think through the shot, adjust my settings, and focus on how I'm framing everything. I'm always rushed and dashing after kids which can be extremely frustrating. I wish I could just dive in completely and learn it all now! Ha ha. Family comes first though, and I guess I'm learning valuable lessons in shooting under pressure, right?
What about you? Do you have a hobby or interest you wish you had more time to pursue?
For more Wednesday fun, be sure to visit these fabulous blogs:
5 Minutes for Mom
Wordless Wednesday HQ
Also linking up with The Long Road to China for Black and White Wednesday.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a fantastic day :)'

That fence shot is utterly amazing!
Where does an absolute and total beginner go for tips? And what kind of camera should this hypothetical person buy?
I love black and white photos! These look great!
Love your great dane! He is a great dane, right? We have 2 and I LOVE EM!
How exciting- another milestone for the book!!!
I had to write you back. Our HUGE dane is a Harlequin but she doesn't have many markings, more white than anything. Then we have a mini dane that is a merle and she is about 110 lbs. Anyway..I always wanted a solid black one like Bella. Thanks for the photo compliments. I'm a beginning photographer for sure.
Beautiful black-and-white photos... but I LOVE the fence one most of all!
I cannot believe she's walking! She has great hair too. I love your dog!
If you miss black and white Wednesdays, hop over to my blog tomorrow
for my first ever Black and White Wednesday blog hop.
Share your black and white shots and check out some cool ones by others too!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Mrs. Claus
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