To that end, however, I decided to start entering some of the weekly blog photo challenges. This week's i Heart Faces theme was "whimsy." I was behind the curve ball on timing but thought I'd take the kids outside to relax in the hammock and see what developed. I didn't want to dress them up or pose them. I wanted candid shots. They can be so sweet and funny, I was fairly confident that if I kept snapping I'd get something I could use.
This is what I got:
Not exactly what I was going for! Ah well, there's always next week.
I did manage to capture this though:
Not whimsical exactly, but definitely a keeper ;)
For more Wednesday fun, be sure to visit these fabulous blogs:
5 Minutes for Mom
Wordless Wednesday HQ

Cute! I need a new camera!
Some of the best shots are the ones that just happen, aren't they? For my photo this week, I was trying so hard to get my 4 year old to smile. Of course, he refused. When I just started snapping pictures, I actually got a beautiful shot. Enjoy your photography experiment. Looking good so far!
Yes, that last shot, is QUITE cute! Good luck getting to know your camera, it's definitely a work in progress (over here too! ha!)
It always seems to happen that way, doesn't it? :)
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