Greetings friends, and happy Friday. Summer is in full swing and I've been remembering summers from my youth. With school over for the year, we reveled in swimming pools, lazy afternoons, slumber parties, and playing with friends. Often, all of the neighborhood kids would get together and organize games. Kick the Can, Four Square, Hide and Seek and Crack the Whip were favorites.
As I was thinking about this it occurred to me that I have not seen kids play those kinds of games in years. Other than the organized games in PE classes, or an occasional game of hide and seek at our house, I can't recall seeing any kids play that way. That makes me sad. We had so much fun, and learned so much about cooperation, leadership, negotiation, compromise, and more.
My question this week is: Do kids in your neighborhood play outdoor games on their own accord? What were your favorites growing up?
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I sometimes hear kids playing outside or see them when we go out to play.
One of my fave games as a child was jump rope.
We were always on our bikes when I was a kid (like 100 years ago). My kids would hang out with the neighbor kids when they were younger.
Have a great weekend!
We don't have too many kids in the neighborhood and I rarely see them outside playing. However, when I was a kid we used to play school. I was the teacher and the rest of the kids were students. :-)
Good question!!! I have to sadly say NO! It's not like when we were younger when all the kids played outside freely. My kids ride their bikes, but it seems like gone are the days of the neighborhood kids playing ball in the street!
Great question!!!!!!!! Actually, we introduced our kids and the neighborhood kids to kick the can years ago when we were sick of hearing them say they were bored one summer.
In Montessori classes they learned a lot of old time games including capture the flag, still one of their favs!
Kids do play games outdoors, but they're just a few kids at a time. When I was little, there were about 20 of us all the time playing those games. We did something different every night and my favorite was Kick the Can. :)
Our kids love playing hide and seek and play four square at school. We have a great neighborhood so they are always using their imagination playing something! :)
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