I love these pictures of my silly monster just being a goofy kid.
Ah, the carefree days of childhood.
"You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't..." well, you get the picture.

Thanks for stopping by today! For more SOOC Saturday fun visit Marvelous Mommy.

lol, what a sweet kid!
Yeah, so that first comment was me, UGHHHH. My kid was using my computer again and didn't sign out of google. lol
Lovely smile, his pose makes me smile as well, mine is here Points of View and Thoughts, thanks
Haha I love the first one with the foot!!
Love the picking the nose pic... just like a kid!! I actually used that little quote today when one of my children offered to dig the buger out of their little brother's nose;) LOL!!
Yay for another homeschooling mom of 4;) We have a mixture of boys and girls as well and we live in NC.. but visit VA often to see family:)
I"m a new follower and planning to come back to link up to your WW!!
Aw! What a sweet kid! Love the pics.
Happy Sunday!
This post makes me want to take more photos and join in on the fun!
I love swinging, I do it here at school every once in a while, and the kids think it's amazing--which is pretty funny in itself!
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