Little bug is teething...has been for a couple of months. She has three teeth on the bottom and is working on two more! Ouch! I have the bruises to prove it.
I know what you're thinking. "Duh, keep your arm outta her mouth, ya big dummy!" That would seem logical. Truth is, I do so much during the day, most of it one-handed. Little bug wants to be held since she's not feeling great. And she wants to be held by Mommy. Usually I'm emptying the dishwasher, preparing meals, helping with schoolwork, vacuuming or tidying or typing one-handed and her little mouth is hovering around my upper arm. Every once in a while the temptation is too great and, "Youch!"
As much as it hurts me, I'm sure it's worse for her.
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Well, first of all ~ she is just adorable! But. . . .that arm of yours - nor so much?! :) Hmmm. . .maybe one of those "cool" gel ice ringy things attached to her shirt with a pacifier clip so she could could just pop that in her mouth instead??!! Happy weekend! Thanks for stopping by!
Oh man!! Those are battle scars!!! But, yes..poor baby! Teething is no fun.
Ack! Poor thing... and poor you. I can't remember what else I did with the kids when they were teething beyond those teething rings and teething biscuits...
She is adorable! =)
omg! I've never seen such a thing--where a mom's arm has so many bruises from a baby teething!
Well, hopefully it won't get any worse!
OUCH! I'm with, that's pretty insane!
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