He's into skating these days so the big gifts were a new deck and a grinding rail (plus a new helmet to save my nerves). He also received a ramp from his Auntie and some new clothes to look the part. He's been skating non-stop since he opened his gifts and has a few scrapes and bruises to prove it. He is a braver soul than I. I fall over just looking at a skateboard.
He's too cool these days for balloons and streamers (wouldn't even let me put "Happy Birthday" on his cake!), so we had a low-key affair with friends and family. The weather was rather odd Saturday: sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, hail, sun. We made our way in and out of the drizzle several times and partied-on nonetheless. Even had our own little version of some March Madness. It's was lots of fun and he was happy so that's all that really matters.
Here a some highlights:
On Sunday we took him to a new local skate park and he hung with the big guys (dudes? skaters? Got to brush up on my lingo). I'm so proud of him! He's very persistent and determined and gets right back up when he falls or misses a trick. I just hope my nerves hold out and we avoid any trips to the ER. He may be 9 now, but he's still my baby.
How was your weekend?

First off, happy birthday!!!! Second, we've got the same ramp! My son uses it mostly in the winter now, though. He builds a snow ramp and that's at the bottom so he can get some 'wee air'. lol
Happy birthday to him! Looks like he's having a lot of fun.
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