I know my girls tell me all of the time that I was a great mom but I wonder just how available I was, especially when I got into that routine, semi-conscious place? One thing I know about being preoccupied or only partially present is that it costs. It costs in terms of time and impact on other people. Usually we have to spend more time and energy fixing what we missed or screwed up than if we would have paid full attention in the first place. Most of us learn that lesson the hard way and some of us never learn it at all.
So, my questions for the day is, "What difference would it make in your life and in the lives of your kids if you were consciously present more of the time?" What would you get to experience that you are now missing? What would you become more aware of and more attuned to? How would your relationship with your kids and your spouse change? How much more enjoyment would you get out of life?
I don't know the answer to all of those questions but I am going to try to be more present myself and check it out. I know that at first anyway it will seem like it takes more energy and it probably will. None of us have a whole lot of extra energy to give but in the long run I am convinced that it will save me energy and I get the distinct feeling that there will be alot more to life. It will be fun to see what I am missing.
How about you? What changes will you try to make? When do you tend to get in that semi-conscious zone? Let me know what happens and we can share our insights.
Lynn Banis PhD, MCC is known as America's High Performance Coach. Lynn specializes in helping women in leadership positions or wanting to be in leadership positions make the most of their opportunities and potential. She enjoys helping executives and entrepreneurs create their ultimate impact. Her years of working with small and large businesses has given her a depth of knowledge that is invaluable to her clients both as a business and a life coach.
Lynn is the autor of two books "The Discovery Journal" and "Discovery Points: A Coaching Guide to Getting Unstuck." Both can be obtained under Lynn's name at http://www.lulu.com. You can reach her at http://www.discoverypointcoaching.com. Also check out Lynn's other businesses: Coach Academy Texas, a cutting edge coach training company; and Turnkey Coaching Solutions, a coaching program management and contract coach staffing company.
Read more posts from the Hey Mom Series here, here and here, or click on the "Parenting" tab under Labels in my side bar. Moms work hard and deserve encouragement! Please share this post with other Moms you know.

I think it's the mundane everyday chores where I'm not present. I like to think that when it comes to the kids I am.
This is very preachy.
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
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