Happy Friday to you! I hope you've had a great week. It's been a busy one here. Lots going on with the kiddos and not much time for blogging ;(
Today my big, strong hubbie is having surgery to repair a hernia in his abdomen. It's an issue that came up quickly and was scheduled right away. That got me thinking about how we often take our health for granted. Most of us have had some health issues of one kind or another throughout the years. I am grateful that I have been fortunate enough to avoid surgery so far. What about you?
Have you ever had surgery?
Be sure to stop by An Island Life for more Aloha Friday fun! And don't forget to enter my giveaway for Joy Berry's Halloween Safety Kit - it's got lots of fun stuff for kiddos!!

wishing you all the best...i've had it...so have most people in the fam! it's all good! xoxo
I had two c-sections and also two out patient surgeries to remove ovarian cysts. Good luck and speedy recovery to your hubbie.
The only surgery I have had is a c-section.
Several. They were not fun.
Have a great Friday!
just two c-sections! Good luck to your hubby! Hope the surgery and recovery go well!
Too many to mention. However I haven't had any in over six years now. My family is good no surgery as of yet.
My Aloha Friday link for you making it easier to visit.
Yes.. I did on a broken arm when I was yonger.
Only for birthin babies! lol :o)
I have had 3 surgeries!
Yara @ Once Upon a Twilight!
Yes, I have had two. The first one was to correct my scoliosis and the second was a follow up from the first, to shave off part of my ribs. Ouch...both were painful!
Hope your husband did okay.
I have had four foot surgeries and a possible one coming up the first of the year. Heel spurs:p
Yes! Tonsillectomy!
Twice! The first time to remove part of my thyroid gland and the second time my gall bladder!
Have a nice day!
Eye surgery when I was 9 and C-section at 25
Eye and foot surgery.
I had my tonsils removed when I was in 3rd grade. :(
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