My question this week: Do you enjoy cooking? Where do you get your inspiration? A cookbook, cooking shows, the internet, do you wing it?
I don't really enjoy cooking, but love eating great food. I generally improvise and will occasionally search recipes for ideas. I wish I enjoyed it more, actually, since I cook daily and often find my repetoire needs a boost. What about you?
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I have to be in the mood, but if i suddenly get a craving for something I've not made before, i tend to look up the recipe on line
I used to hate to cook, but then started watching Food hooked on Rachael Ray, then Giada, Paula...etc. Now, I'm addicted to the show and am enjoying trying out recipes...I also have a all of their cookbooks too!
Best wishes with your precious baby! : )
Mmmmmmmmm, no. Not fond of cooking. Mostly because my family is picky. They turn their noses up at all kinds of things. Anything with marinade. Saucy stuff. Uhhh. So I cook the same crap over and over. lol.
I do occassionally find a recipe that everyone loves on the net. Mainly on the newlyweds blog. And others I visit regularly.
I do love cooking, I am just terrible at it. I can follow a recipe, and I have tons of them all over my house, but I stick to a very boring selection of 6-8 easy, standard dinners and make those. Recently I found an article online at Tip Junkie about ways to organize recipes for the week. I think this Fall, I've gotta start something like that.
I do enjoy cooking, I love cooking, and I have tons of cook books. The problem? I do not have time to cook. It seems like I am always in a rush - so I do not cook as much as I should :(
I used to love to cook in my previous marriage!My hubby now,is so picky! Ia m trying to find the love again!!I am looking for cookbooks that have light easy recipes of stuff he might try!!LOL
I love cooking. Have a cookbook site where I create and share some old favorite recipes. I learned to cook in Highschool and from my Mother. Also took classes in College and in Different Countries I lived and visited. cooking Is a Joy for me, it one way I can live healthier and cheaper. Food is a wonderful thing one can be so creative.
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