Here are two ideas that might work for you:
1. Take a mental holiday or
2. Treat yourself as a Queen Day
Sound silly? Not really, these are two legitimate ways to get some rest, relaxation and refreshment during your busy days.
1. Take a mental holiday. What is the most relaxing, refreshing place in the world for you? For me it is the beach. When I take a mental holiday I imagine I am at the beach. I try to imagine everything – the feel of the hot sand under my feet, the warm rays of the sun, the soft air caressing my skin, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, the sound of the seagulls screaming for attention, the smell of the salt air, the joyful sound of kids and families having fun, the smells of a picnic lunch… I really get into it. Then I begin to relax knowing I am in my safe and peaceful place. I can stay there as long as I want – a few minutes to hours – re-experiencing what it is like and how refreshing it is. When I need to come back to reality I do so slowly, bringing with me the relaxation and serenity I feel when I am really at the beach. Try it – it is amazing what a little imaging can do for you!
2. Treat yourself as Queen for a Day, or hour, or as long as you can. Think about how you treat your guests. Do you treat yourself that way? Probably not. Take the time to do some of the little things you do for guests for yourself. Use the good coffee cups, take a long hot bath, put on make-up and perfume even though you are not going anywhere but the grocery store. Treat yourself like a Queen. Do Queen-like things with the kids too. Have a tea party with tea and scones (or something else yummy). Let them play along with you. They will enjoy it and you might even get them to wait on you for a change!
Use your imagination to let yourself have a bit of a respite. It is not only great for you but it also shows your family that you model taking good care of yourself. That is an important lesson for everyone to learn.
I wonder what you do already to give yourself a break. Please leave some comments so we can compile a list of ideas for other busy moms. Have fun and thanks for your ideas!
Lynn is a Master Certified Coach with years of experiences helping moms through tough situations. She would love to answer your questions on a weekly basis. What are you struggling with? What questions do you have about getting through the day? Leave her a few comments with your questions and concerns and she will be happy to write about them in future posts. To find out more about Lynn and how she can help you live your passion, visit her at:

Queen for the day is a great idea. Moms definitely need more time off.
This is great advice! I think 2morrow I shall be QUEEN!
Those are great ideas!!!
Escaping into a book is my method!
Those are really great ideas. As moms we always put the hubby and kids ahead of our own needs so the queen for the day idea is awesome.
Great suggestions! I think that any time we make a concerted effort to have "me" time it's well worth the energy.
I think all of us are better moms when we have a little me time. Thanks for stopping by tasty tuesdays today!
A mental Holiday is certainly what I can use. I don't get them that often at all. I'm going to work harder to get one.
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