Americans Can Help Donate Up To One Hundred Thousand Dollars to the ASPCA
Bentonville, Ark. – April 15, 2010 – Walmart and its top pet suppliers are asking Americans to join them in their support for the ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and its Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.
Animal lovers everywhere are encouraged to visit www.facebook.com/lendapaw and help “Lend A Paw” to support the ASPCA’s mission to save and improve the lives of millions of animals nationwide. By clicking on the “Create a ‘Lend A Paw’ Post” button, Walmart, through the generous contribution of key pet suppliers, will donate $1 for each post (for a total donation of up to $100,000). All funds raised go to support the ASPCA, the first organization in the Western Hemisphere dedicated to the humane treatment of animals.
“Pet overpopulation, caused by far too many pets not being spayed or neutered –even by otherwise responsible pet parents – is a leading cause of unnecessary euthanasia,” said Elysia Howard, Vice President of Marketing & Licensing for the ASPCA. “In fact, half of all puppies and three-quarters of all kittens born are from unintended litters. Every dollar raised up to $100,000 through the ‘Lend A Paw’ campaign will help us get one step closer to our goal of helping pets in need. For example, $100,000 would help spay or neuter 1,000 animals.”
“Walmart offers everything pet owners need to care for dogs, cats and other pets,” says John Kunkel, Senior Pet Buyer, Walmart. “We are ecstatic about partnering with the ASPCA to help promote the importance of pet adoption and responsible pet ownership, and actively engage the American public to take part in such an important cause.”
I'm joining the cause to help our furry friends, won't you?

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