It's time for FRIDAY FOLLOW, brought to you by these fabulous bloggers: Lynn @ Midday Escapades, Rita @ One 2 Try and Tami @ Hearts Make Families.
Thank you for stopping by Serendipity is Sweet! I am so glad you're here. I'm a mom of three expecting a 4th, a military wife and homeschooler, a great dane lover, a cookie monster and I blog to keep my sanity through the everyday madness of child rearing. You'll find lots of posts about homeschooling and educational resources, craft ideas, yummy recipes and an occasional product review and giveaway - enter my DENTASTIX Giveaway today for one of 5 Prize Packs! I have a blogaversary coming up in a few weeks so stay tuned for more fun and freebies :D

I look forward to visiting your blogs and getting to know my new friends. Have a great weekend and thanks for following!

Hi :-)
New from the Friday Follow! :-)
Come visit me at http://savvycouponmommy.blogspot.com
Following from Friday Follow :)
Found you on Follow Friday!!
You have a fabulous blog and I'm looking forward to reading more!
Hope you come on over and visit me!
Have a great weekend!
Great Blog! Happy Friday!! :)
Hi there! Happy Friday Follow! Just poppin in to be your newest follower. Hope you can come follow mine! Have a great weekend!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
Found you on Friday Follow. I hope you'll stop by our chaos soon. http://www.erinamundsen.blogspot.com
We'll be starting our homeschool journey next year. I'm sure it will be an adventure.
as a former public school teacher I applaud your homeschooling efforts, my boys aren;t old enough to be in school, but I am constantly trying to decide. Can;t wait to learn more!
found you via follow friday, I am way excited to read your blog! follow back at http://adailydoseofdieting.blogspot.com/
can't wait to get to know you!!
Stopping in for Friday Follow, can't wait to read through your blog!
Stopping by from friday Follow to say hello!
Have a great weekend!
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