If you missed parts one and two of this review, you may find them here and here.
Update on my progress:
Hooray! I finished the 30 day Colonix cleanse from Dr. Natura. I am proud of myself for completing the whole cycle. There were times that I didn't want to but I kept on schedule. I lost about 6 pounds in the process. My goal was not really to lose weight, but hey, I'm not complaining. All in all I can say that it was a positive experience. The cleanse seemed to work as promised. I do feel less bloated, and healthier. While I didn't notice a big boost in energy, I do have a general sense of well being and vitality. I would recommend this product to anyone interested in a gentle natural cleanse.
Here is more information about the product I used, from Dr. Natura's website:
"DrNatura is the market leader in the field of colon cleansing and body detoxification with two easy-to-use, safe and effective programs: Colonix and Toxinout. The Colonix Program has been available since 1998 and voted the best colon cleansing product in the world."
"The Colonix Program gently but effectively cleanses the colon of toxic waste, detoxifies the liver and restores regularity while helping you to gain more energy and a flatter stomach. There is one simple reason behind the success and popularity of the Colonix colon cleansing program: It not only works but also makes you look and feel better!"

Good for you for finishing it....I have never been able to complete a cleanse. It's been a while. I guess I'm an impatient cleanser :)
I like that this one is gentle.
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