I am nearing the end of week three of my experience with Colonix and here's an update:
Week two: Continued on schedule with the supplements and did feel that the product was working as described. Though I don't necessarily feel more energetic, I do feel a bit "lighter" and less bloated. I have had little discomfort while using Colonix and my only complaint is that the powder mixture really isn't pleasant even when mixed with juice, and the evening tea doesn't taste good either. I have continued faithfully with each dose, but it would be much more pleasant if it tasted better!
Week three: I am still on schedule with the cleanse and have lost about 4 pounds. I feel thinner and less bloated. I am pleased. While it is a drag to drink the supplements and I have to remind myself to drink enough water (I've always been bad about that) I do feel healthier in general.
I'm nearly done with my 30 day sample and I am looking forward to the end. Though I have never tried any other natural colon cleansing products, I'm sure they all pretty much taste the same. It's not horrible, but just not good. Still, I have to say the product seems to work as promised.
For more information on Colonix visit Dr. Natura.

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