What's on the top of your holiday wish list this year?
Personally, I have no idea. There isn't anything I'm dying for. I'd love some new clothes, shoes, accessories, etc., I guess. Really, I already got what I wanted...family portraits. :D How about you?

Dirt devil has a great new little handvac that I'm HOPING for . I have a write up on my site right before the aloha friday. Great gift ideas for ME
Just having a lovely Christmas with my family is enough. I personally don't need anything.
Clothes that fit - the major downfall of being 10 weeks pregnant!
I would actually really like some new Corell for the kitchen. :o)
I alreadt got it!(my laptop)son I have to add just a blessed day and remeber my savior's birthday!
Enough gift cards to last until March so I can buy maternity clothes until delivery!
Oh a Kate Spade bag that I have had my eye on for about 2 years!!
A yoga mat. LOL. I live a simple existence.
My hubby hates Dec., no not really, but my birthday is in Dec. and then there is Christmas. I never want anything - honestly, I am a very content person. This year I did give him some ideas though - a blog re-design, X-Files on dvd, and framing the African artwork my son brought home from Tanzania.
I am really not sure, but better start thinking about it. I got what I wanted for my birthday, so HMMMMMM.
Would love family photos as well! :)
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