Greeting friends! Happy Friday. I hope you are all safe and dry :D It has been raining here for over three days. We're sitting under the "November Nor'easter" as they are calling it on the news. Our back yard is flooded and we've been pumping water our for over 20 hours. We have had a little water under the house, but nothing major thankfully. And, despite a few flickers, we still have power, woo hoo!
Local tunnels and bridges have been closed, schools and city buildings are closed, a huge local fishing pier was washed out, there have been about a zillion car crashes, and thousands are without power, and there is quite a bit of flooding. But, as I look back, having lived on the East Coast all of my life, there have been worse storms. Which brings me to my question...
What is the worst weather event you have personally experienced?
The video below is of a popular local restaurant area on the Chesapeake Bay.
For more Aloha Friday fun, visit An Island Life.

We were actually on vacation at Disney World when the hurricane came through a few years back. Being from Kentucky I had never experienced anything like that. So not fun...especially since most everything was closed down due to debris so we lost a couple days of vacation.
That's crazy! I went through hurricane Floyd and that was a real pain. Stay dry!
I'm in North Central Florida, and I have to say the worst weather I have ever been in would have to be the hurricanes in 2004. We didn't think they would be that bad, and in all reality they weren't, but we decided to go to a hurricane party at a friends house...who's house happens to be surrounded by trees....which those trees were not strong enough to withstand the wind...and it's kind of surreal when you hear the trees cracking and seeing them fall around you.
Thankfully are house did not have any damage, and we were only without power for a couple of days. If I never have to experience another hurricane again, I would be TOTALLY be ok with that.
Ice storms and blizzards.
They are so depressing.
Toss up really. I have been in blizzards, ice storms, tornado, and a hurricane.
it would have to be the 3 hurricanes that came thru in '04
I think really the only bad weather we have here in Wisconsin is Tornados, which I can honestly say there isn't to many. Mainly Hail and High winds and snow storms.
We were on a houseboat anchored @ Lake Powell several years ago. A storm came up suddenly & we all had to move from the smaller boats into the big one as the rain & lightening was just enormous. The next morning there were a few little things that had broken but the biggest thing was that our anchor had washed off the beach & was now buried in the water. It took us & some people nearby all day to finally dig the anchor out. We almost cut it several times.
I hope y'all get to dry out soon!
That is crazy. Stay safe.
Snow storms & ice storms.
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