December is here! That means it's Advent time. One of my favorite memories from childhood holidays is waking up each morning and opening the door on our Advent calendar to find a hidden treat inside and relish the little thrill of excitement at the realization that I was another day closer to Christmas. I love recreating this ritual with my own kids and there is no shortage of ideas for Advent Calendars. You can buy them at most card and gift shops, or even grocery stores or make your own. A google search will pull up loads of options.
One idea I really like though, is one I found on homeschooling.about.com, which offers a new activity each day for advent. You can visit their online advent calendar here. Suite101.com also has another version on their site.
You can visit Holidays.net to learn more about the history of Advent calendars.
I also found a few other fun online versions here, here, and here. As well as an Advent Coloring Book to make from Activity Village.
Plus, here is a sweet one that you can print and make from Jan Brett's site.
Or use Advientos.com to build one with your own photos!
There are many ways to make each day of the holiday season special for kids. You don't have to spend a load of cash on tiny trinkets or be a craft queen. The most important thing is to spend time doing something fun together!

I love advent calendars. This year is this first year we are going to try and do one with my 2 1/2 year old. Thanks for the great links!
OH! GREAT look for the season on your blog!
I loveeeee advent calendars! I remember ONCE when I was a kid, my mom got one that had a small piece of chocolate behind each little 'door/flap' thingy.
lol, that didn't get opened daily, let's just say!
Great post here!
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