Here's a round up of Columbus Day Lessons and links for your learning pleasure ;P
NatGoe has a short video on Columbus here.
Find some fun craft ideas on, including egg cup ships and an ocean bottle.
I love this BBC short bio on Columbus. Perfect for early elementary ages.
The Holiday Zone has lots of FREE printables. Love that! And much more, including these songs and fingerplays.
Enchanted Learning has some nice activity pages, but you have to purchase a membership for full access. And check out apples4theteacher for coloring pages, reading lists, poems and more.
"1492: An Ongoing Voyage" is a virtual exhibit from the Library of Congress showing how the events of 1492 set the stage for cultural interaction still in progress.
In addition, kidskonnect has a great list of links to investigate. BrainPopJr. has a lesson plans page (plus movies if you subscribe).
Find lots more coloring pages here, and cool crafts here.
Here's a Sink or Float Classroom Lesson Plan that's easily adaptable to homeschooling.
This site dispels myths about Columbus' expeditions
And here are some power points all about Columbus from FREE Presentations.
So go on, set sail on a Columbus Day expedition that's sure to please your little explorers!

very informative!
i have a tag for you!
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