What is he carrying? Is that a sandwich???
Aiden, did you eat all of the peanut butter sandwich I gave you for lunch? I thought you said you ate all of your lunch?
Uh huh. Well, clearly you did not since there is a squirrel in our dogwood tree with half a peanut butter sandwich in his chops!
Be sure to stop by these fabulous blogs for more Wednesday fun!
5 Minutes for Mom
7 Clown Circus
Ordinary and Awesome

LOL! Too funny! Can't get away with anything, can they? heehee
Happy WW!
Oh my goodness. How funny! Poor little guy is hungry.
Thanks for stopping by mine too. My comment box is working again if you want to stop by and leave a comment for me.
tee hee....that is just plain priceless. :)
have a happy wednesday.
Oh my goodness....how funny!!!
That's funny! I didn't know that squirrels ate things like that!
Ahahaha! ROTFL! Lesson to all kids: don't lie to your mother. She will always find out.
That's funny ! Happy WW !
LOL, that is great!
Squirrels can by sly, quick, and crafty. Don't blame Aidan, blame the critter. My Girl Scout troop once made bird feeders from pine cones and peanut butter. We hung them in the tree and then an army of squirrels came and annihilated all 15 feeders - it was actually scary.
Oh my gosh, so funny : ) This totally made me smile this morning! Loved it!
That's HI.Larious. Aiden made that squirrels day, possibly his week. Happy WW and take care.
omg, that's a feast for him!
He He, that is too funny! Lucky squirrel though! LOL
Oh that is so funny - we had a squirell incident awhile back too. :)
That's funny! I guess a squirrel's favorite sandwich would have to be peanutbutter!
That is funny!
My son keeps bringing home his lunch sack full of all the things he didn't eat at school. Basically he eats the junk and leaves the healthy stuff behind. So every day he gets a lecture about eating the healthy stuff first and then the snack last if their is time. I don't know what I will do when he figures out he can just throw away the evidence.
Busted by the squirrel!!
What a quick lil' guy!
☼¨`*•.♥Aww so CUTE & FUNNY♥.•*¨`☼
Have a Lovely♥Day!!!
to view my WW go to http://www.365daysofourlife.com
see ya!
HA!! Squirrels are hungry brave little varmints.
At least it didn't go to waste. :)
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