A Thousand Words Thursday

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sweet feet! Too bad they aren't so cute when the get older. Actually, grown up feet kind of gross me out. But, these? These are cute enough to nibble on.

For more Thousand Words Thursday stop by Cheaper Than Therapy.
Cheaper Than Therapy

Unknown said...

I feel the same way! Feet are just so gross. I don't get how people can have weird fetishes and lick toes and stuff, eww!

Kekibird said...

So adorable. I love the baby feet and toes. And yesh....adult feet not the greatest thing...

Kiki said...

Great picture. Adult feet gross me out too. It seems like lil' D will have his father's feet. Not too jazzed about that, but they are super cute now. I am still playing with them like I did when he was an infant. He's almost five and still lets me do it. Take care.

VeRonda said...

Haha... Aren't newborn's feet the sweetest things ever? It's before cheese gets involved. LOL! What's funny is that my best girlfriend and I were hanging out last night and I touched her foot by mistake with mine and she flipped. LOL! She doesn't even like her children's toes touching her. Hilarious.

Mamí♥Picture said...

Too stinky CUTE!!!!

More Than Words said...

LOL! That is soooooooooooo me, too!!!

I love my kids feet till they get to a certain age,and then it's not so cute anymore!!!

nikki said...

adult feet are gross & ucky. pedi's or not. :)
but these are lovely. so sweet!!

The Four Week Vegan said...

That is so true! Little feet are sweet though.

Chris said...

yes, i agree.. when my kids were newborn.. feet and hands are my favorite :D

Unknown said...

That is such a cute picture!

I gave you an award:

Nina said...

That is so cute! I must say, I wouldn't put my feet out their but my boys certainly have cute baby soft feet.

Liz Mays said...

They are darling! Why do they have to get so knobby, crusty and gnarled later on in life?

annies home said...

dont know about nibling on but they are awfully cute

Chubskulit Rose said...

I agree!

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