Aloha! and happy Friday. All this back to school talk has gotten me thinking of my school days. I was wondering: What was your favorite year of school (K-12)?
I'd have to go with the 1st Grade. I was painfully shy and not all that excited to be going to school, but I had an amazing teacher who was kind and patient. She took the time to develop a bond with me and it really helped build my confidence. We had a wonderful friendship for many years until she moved away. Teachers can really make a huge difference in a kid's life and many don't get nearly enough credit. So, what was your favorite year?

I graduated early so, having no senior year was pretty nice.
Have a great Friday!
I loved the 5th grade. But by the time I got to HS, I loved 12th because that was IT for me. Done, out! lol
That is a tough question. I really liked fourth grade because I was friends with everyone and I had an awesome teacher!
5th grade. I had an awesome teacher. We all had journals that we would write to her about ANYTHING, and she would always write back. So she knew everybody's crushes, etc. :)
I have NO idea. I guess 8th grade was pretty good.
Not high school. lol
I really loved my 11th grade year of high school. I had great classes and that's when my husband and I became best friends.
I loved elementary school. High school wasn't fun for me. I was the quiet smart girl that didn't have a lot of friends to hang out with.
Senior year for me. Best year of all my 12 years. I had great friends, fun times, awesome teachers and classes, and some boyfriends. Aloha and take care.
I really loved sixth grade. I had the best teacher!
I seem to remember really loving 4th grade. I had an amazing teacher and some really great friends.
I'm going to say 4th grade and 11th! :-)
I would say 10th grade. Just great friends and fun.
For whatever reason I recall loving the 2nd grade. Being seven years old and having not a care in the world probably had alot to do with it! LOL!
The high school years were fun too!
Mine was definitely 1st grade as well! What a great year...
I really enjoyed grades 8-11. I was very comfortable with myself and had lots of friends :)
I loved junior high. It was 3 years and I loved it.
Sophomore year of high school but it all went downhill from there. lol
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