My question this week is: When was the last time you changed your hair style?
I'm thinking I'm due for a change. I tend to go back and forth between two styles; a chin-length bob and long straight hair. Not very exciting, I know. I'll admit that I am afraid of change. I have had some hair disasters in my lifetime and so I've become scissor shy in my old-er age. When was the last time you took the plunge with a new style and how did you like it?

I use to always keep my hair short. Loved it but got really tired of it. So the past 4 years now I have had longer hair, except in 2007. I was pregnant and decided I needed a change. It was really bad and I hated it. So back to my long hair I went. Good Luck!
Good question, I've had my same haircut for about 7 months...that's the longest I've had a hairstyle since high school. I used to change my hair style or color every 2 months. It was fun, now with a little one again I'm going for ease.
I changed mine at the end of June, and I actually did it by accident! I did an at home coloring and destroyed my hair. The next day I went to the salon to get it fixed and she had to cut quite a bit of it off, but I ended up loving it!
I had my hair short while my kids were little. About 3 yrs ago I grew it out again. I like it long, but I really never change much about it...except I had bangs for a while and now I don't.
Hardly!! I get it cut the same way all the time! LOL
I really need to make a change--I have the same mid-length style for about 5 yrs. now...i want short, but I think I need to lose some weight first! Well, that's my plan anyway.
I haven't changed my hair style in several years. I would like to get highlights or something but it costs too much to get it done at the salon and I don't want to try doing it myself with my long hair.
About a year ago I got a cute swing bob. But since then I have let it grow straight. And I haven't colored my hair in over 2 years. I vow never to color again. At least for now I say that. ;) I started parting my hair on the other side in order to show case my tiny bit of grey. We'll see how long I enjoy turning grey. ha ha ha
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