Recipe Swap Monday

Monday, July 6, 2009

If you've been here before, you know I am a huge fan of all things sweet and yummy. And Ice Cream Pie has to be tops on my list. I mean, seriously, what's not to love???
Try this one on for size. It's full of all of my favorite things :D

Java Jolt Ice Cream Pie

Photo Credit: Ann Stratton
o Crust
o 20 chocolate sandwich cookies
o 2 Tbsp instant coffee granules
o 1⁄2 stick (4 Tbsp) butter, melted
o Glaze
o 2⁄3 cup bottled hot fudge topping
o 21⁄2 Tbsp coffee-flavor liqueur (such as Kahlua), or very strong coffee
o 1 qt vanilla ice cream, 2 cups slightly softened
o 1 qt java chip ice cream (Starbucks)
o Garnish: chocolate espresso beans, chopped

1. Coat a 9-in. pie plate with nonstick spray.

2. Crust: Process cookies and coffee granules in food processor until fine crumbs form. Add butter; process until crumbs are moistened. Press over bottom and up sides of pie plate. Freeze 30 minutes until firm.

3. Glaze: Mix ingredients in a small bowl until blended. Transfer 1⁄3 cup to a small ziptop bag; seal bag. Cover bowl with plastic wrap; set aside.

4. Spread the 2 cups softened vanilla ice cream in crust; freeze 30 minutes until firm. Meanwhile, slightly soften 2 cups java chip ice cream. Spread evenly on vanilla ice cream. Cut tip off 1 corner of ziptop bag; pipe Glaze over ice cream. Freeze 30 minutes until glaze and ice cream are firm.

5. Meanwhile, soften rest of vanilla ice cream. Spread carefully over glaze. Freeze 30 minutes. Meanwhile, soften rest of java chip ice cream. Spread on pie to 1 in. from edge. Freeze until firm.

6. Stir glaze. Spread on pie; sprinkle with espresso beans. Freeze at least 4 hours.

Java Jolt Ice Cream Pie -

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For more great recipe swapping fun visit Anissa at Our Chaotic Life!

Nina said...

Oh how yummy does that look.

I am Harriet said...

WOW! Deadly good!!!

JennyMac said...

Ummm. This looks incredible. Great post!

Anonymous said...

That looks delicious! Thanks for sharing and playing along.

The Four Week Vegan said...

OMGosh that sounds amazingly good. I have copied it and cannot wait to make it.

The Mother said...

Sounds wonderful!

Unknown said...

Wow! This sounds too good to be true! I love coffee, chocolate and Kahlua. I will have to try it. Thanks!

Melissa said...

Ooh, yum! I'd have to change the coffee parts or the rest of my family wouldn't eat it (hmmm) but it looks great to me!

I stopped by to let you know that I tagged you at my blog :)

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Yummy ~ Yummy! The pic looks wonderful and the recipe sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing with us!

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Oops! P.S. Forgot to also say that I live in Virginia also ~ Williamsburg! :)

Anonymous said...

I was looking for a cake or cookies with coffee in it. I wish I had found this first although the bars, I made, were delicious.

I would have loved to have tried this. Your is beautiful and I can't imagine that recipe not tasting good.

I guess for another time.


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