Library of Congress Launches Teaching With Primary Resources

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Head's up to all my homeschool friends (or any history buff out there)! The following was just announced on

The Library of Congress Launches Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Direct: and a New Teacher’s Page, Log on Today!

The Library of Congress has launched a new online resource for educators entitled Teaching with Primary Sources Direct. TPS Direct enables educators to integrate primary sources into their classrooms by creating customized lesson plans based on documents and artifacts from the Library’s extensive collections. Applicable across grade levels and content areas, this project allows educators to search the TPS database for content-rich activities.

Through TPS Direct, educators can download lessons in PDF format with goals such as Analyzing Photographs, Analyzing Maps, and Connecting with Primary Sources. The professional development and teaching tools help educators identify excellent sources within the Library’s collection to build students’ critical thinking skills in an engaging way. Given the wealth of information available online, TPS Direct helps make the process of locating ideal classroom materials easier for busy educators.

The Library of Congress has also just announced a new teacher’s page, with links to classroom materials and professional development resources offered by the LOC. Educators will want to visit this site frequently to find out what’s new from the LOC and find a wealth of resources for the classroom (or homeschool):

really.truly said...

Thanks!! Thanks also for the history link on your blog :) Very cool.

JennyMac said...

Always great info on your site!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing -- going over to check it out!

Claremont First Ward said...

Wow. What amazing resources for homeschoolers.


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