Here are some fabulous geography sites to launch your journey:
National Geographic Kids Geography Games
Wonders of the World Printables
Test Your Knowledge Quizzes
Kbears Geography World Games
Easy Fun School Lesson on Endangered Species
Geomatters Learning States and Capitals
Family Fun Lesson On Making Maps
Geomatters Make a Travel Brochure
worldatlas.com Clip Art
Happy Trails :D

OMG I love love love geography! did you ever play that travelpod game? OMG, try it but it's reallllly addicting! lol.
We just love NatGeo the channel. I should start getting the magazine...but we just ordered 'Smithsonian'. So we'll see. I'm so serious, try that game, lol. It's very v ery fun!
This is a great idea! And it would really help kids to get interested in geography!
Great game Sheila, thanks for the tip!
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