For this week's edition of Friday Photo Flashback, hosted by Alicia at More Than Words, I have chosen to share a picture of me when I was 5 years old. This was in the early summer of 1979. I was wearing a cast because I had broken parts of two vertebrae in my lower back. I was fortunate to avoid surgery, but no one ever really figured out exactly how I got hurt. It was probably from doing stupid kid tricks like flips off of our hide-a-bed or something, lol. I'm not sure what I was doing in this picture and I don't remember who took it, but something must have been amusing. On the wall behind me are hook rugs that my mom had made for my room, and my handprint from kindergarten. I wish I still had those :D

Oh you poor little 5 yr old! What a trooper wearing the cast. Is that a heart cut out of the center...so you can itch your belly??! LOL
Glad you didn't have to have surgery too. I remember those hook rugs, and I too had a handprint done when I was in kindergarten! Would you believe that I was 5 in 79' as well. :o)
RE: Mimi's comment above:
Yes it was a heart, complete with sculpted arrow. The doctors had to completely cast my middle from collar bone to hips, but then cut a hole for my stomach to expand. They laid me on a table that looked like a saw horse and brought out this huge chainsaw looking thing to cut the cast. I was terrified. So they cut a heart instead of a circle, I guess to keep me from freaking out, lol. I remember it well!
What a big smile to go with a big cast. I wish I had handprints of myself as well. Great picture.
Great picture. A big smile to go with a big cast. I wish I had kindergarten handprints as well. Thanks for sharing this one...it's great to see what people come up with on Flashback Friday!
Hi there.
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That sounds like it would be painful! Look at you smiling and happy!!
LOL, I had a cast on my arm when I was two because my sister closed the car door on my arm! I wish I had a picture of it. I only have it on video!
Oh, and there are so many things I still wish I had when I was little!! I would probably cry if I saw them now because it would bring back so many memories!!
Its amazing that a cast like that would work! How cute though. I remember latch hooks and I still love to do them. I remember a few years ago helping my friend do a huge one that she framed and put on the wall. I worked from one side she worked from the other. So much fun!
You poor thing! It looks like you weren't letting it get you down though...
Okay, I will never complain about my kids' pranks ever again. That looks much worse. You look pretty happy and mobile, but still. I do love the heart cut out, but I think I'll just say my prayers of thankfulness and leave it at that!
You poor thing, although it didn't look like that cast kept you down lol! Great picture!
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