Aloha! Happy Friday to you! Thanks for stopping by. Just a few simple questions today...
Do you enter blog giveaways? Do you seek them out? Have you won anything?
I generally enter them as I come across them if they interest me or my kids. I have won a few cool prizes including several kids DVD's, a $50 Amazon gift card, a $50 Photofiddle gift certificate, and a Munchie Mug. I love giveaways/reviews and think they a great way to find about new products and winning is so much fun! What do you think?

I cant say that I have ever entered a blog give-a-way as I am new to the blogging world! I am currently hosting one though! Its a recipe contest and although the prizes are just home made goodies or a small gift card it should be fun!! Check it out! http://garagebandfan.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/recipe-contest/
I enter giveaways if I happen to hear of one that has something I can truly use and I truly need.
Sorry if I double posted. The comment wouldn't go through the first time.
I do a weekly meme Girl Talk Thursday for Mommy Melee because I love to talk girl talk. But it's kinda cool too that each post is an entry to a drawing and I've won. I still post because I love to share with the other women. Otherwise, no, I'm not a huge giveaway participant. I don't seek them out and I tend to follow blogs that offer more "life blogging" content rather than giveaways or reviews.
Nope, nope, and nope. I'm not a huge fan of blog giveaways. I don't think I've ever won anything short of a homemade cake at an elementary school cake-walk when I was a kid. :)
I used to enter them a lot and even won a DB handbag. I haven't entered any in a long time.
I don't like them. I've accidentally won at least 3. I avoid them if possible. Some of the personal blogs I used to visit gradually became giveaway blogs and I don't have a reason to visit them anymore.
I haven't yet! Sounds fun!
Yes, I have won EC credits, DVD and free adverts...
I dont really seek them. I just join as I come across them.
I enter giveaways from online-sweepstakes.com so I just enter whatever is there. I have won many different prizes :)
I have entered giveaways and have won a few! I don't seek them out, and it has to be something I really like for me to enter.
I enter sometimes. Don't seek them out.
I have won 2 books :)
I absolutely enter - sometime I seek them out, sometimes I just enter the ones on the blogs I read. I have won a few.
I love to enter Blog Giveaways and I like to host them too!
I don't seek them out. I have entered two, but didn't win. Have a wonderful weekend and take care.
I love blog giveaways! I've entered many many giveaways, and have probably won about 10 times.
I mostly like the cloth diaper ones though :) Got to build my stash!
Yes, I do love giveaways, I host them as well. I do not seek them out but if I find them I enter. I have won several nice items
Yes, I blog giveaways and make sure to send them to the winners. I also have a won a few giveaways. They can be fun and exciting!
As I hear about them I enter them. During one of the big Bloggy Giveaways I won a Nintendo DS and then by my birthday won a Lands End suitcase. I have also done several giveaways on my blog and those are just as much fun.
I like giveaways. I'll enter them if it's something that I really like; books or movie tix or something like that. I also am starting to do my own book giveaways!
I have one this week on my blog.
I enjoy entering giveaways, especially if it is something that I wouldn't spend money on. Nice treat, I think. I also would like to do some giveaways on my blog. Some of the ones that are just giveaways are overwhelming, though, and I pass...Aloha:)
I've only entered one--and I actually won! It was a very cute toy truck for my son.
I have entered a few that I have come across.. but I dont seek them out.. I have never won! But I hope one day I will!!! Anything would be great!!
Yes, I love them and enter them quite a bit. I host them too and that's always fun. :)
No i do not enter them, i have won some thing. however not because a knew I entered.
Yes, I do enter some. I list all the cool giveaways that I enter so others can enter them too. Many I just pass by because they aren't right for me.
I still enter a few, but I never win anymore :)
I host my own now and that keeps me pretty busy! It's super fun to win though...I love emailing people to tell them they have won something!
Yes I do enter blog giveaways! I love them! I watch other blogs and twitter and I have my own giveaways also. I have won 12 things since may! I won a DS game, 100 gift certifacate to 1800flowers and a cute out fit for my daughter.
I don't seek them out but I do enter on occasion. I have one twice, recently a fabulous book from you. Thank you very much! I will say I don't blog just for giveaways and often will avoid most sites that are all about the give-a-ways.
nope. nope. nope. and honestly... if i click into a blog and that's the first thing i see i tend to click right back out :)
I don't enter very many giveaways, but occasionally I will. I just don't have a lot of time, especially for the extra entries. I actually did win a book this week. I was very surprised, as I usually don't win.
I go through phases. Sometimes I don't enter for months, then I'll spend a whole week entering. Yes, I've won items, nothing huge, but some great prizes.
I have entered several blog giveaways and won a few things. I don't search for them, they are just on blogs I read.
I think they are kind of fun!
no, no and no ... not yet at least =)
I don't seek giveaway blogs out, but I do enter giveaways when I see them. My favorite blog right now is http://bookgiveaways.blogspot.com/
I've won 2 books from them, and 6 books total. Just in the last few months. However, I don't like the giveaway blogs that make you do a billion things just for one entry. I like being able to just leave a comment and that's it.
Actually, yes, I've entered a couple things and won a couple things. It's very exciting.
I enter now and then. Usually only with bloggers I know. I did win once....but never got the prize;) I was excited and then bummed.
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