Aloha Friday

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Aloha my friends! I know you all have holiday weekend plans so let's get right down to it. My question this week is:

Would you do a reality show of your (current) life? If so, what channel would most likely host it?

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great weekend and a safe and happy 4th!

Unknown said...

I'm a huge fan of reality shows. But, there's no way I would ever do one of our family. I actually have a phobia of being on tv. Plus, I'm afraid we would be pretty boring, LOL!

Jennifer said...

I absolutely would not do a reality show. I cannot stand them and I definitely would not want my family involved.

Kiki said...

Yes, I would do a reality show of our life. The money would have to be right and I would need a personal stylist for hair and make-up, and a spray tanner person on call. I think our show would appear on Animal Planet. Take care.

Tara said...

TLC I suppose.. or the Animal Channel not sure which lol

Anonymous said...

No, my life is thankfully not that exciting. We hardly watch tv anyway. :)

More Than Words said...

I would absolutely not do it. I've seen and heard too much damage done to families by these kinds of shows.

Chris said...

nope, i dont think i want to... :D

East Coast Wahine said...

No way!! *L*

Nina said...

My life is all about kids and chaos so it would probably be on TLC.

Liz Mays said...

No way! I love, love, love reality but I sure wouldn't want to be the star of it!

Erin @ Closing Time said...

I definitely would not do a reality show. Nothing they could pay me would be worth the damage it would do to our lives.

really.truly said...

No, I would not do a reality show of my life :) I almost said yes, but ....nope is my final answer.

I am Harriet said...

My life is pretty boring. The sponsors would never go for it :)

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

As intriguing as it may be, I would never do a reality show that involves my family. About the only kind that would really interest me would be a make over one, or Biggest Loser type show.

AudreyO said...

I would not. I'm always blown away by those who are willing to spill it all on t.v.

Heather said...

I think I would do it...but just one season. They all seem to go bad after a season or two. What channel..I have to ask my kids:)

Auntie E said...

No Way. Maybe I would write a book and then a movie..but not a reality show. couldn't stand the cameras on 24/7.

Anonymous said...

I would. The Sci Fi channel!

Drahdrah said...

Nope. I can't imagine putting myself that far "out there".

Anonymous said...

NO way -- I see what reality tv does to families --I would never expose my kids to that.

Unknown said...

i would totally do a reality show:

divorced with a boyfriend
anxiety attacks
full time job @ a jail
2 houses
five kids between us
closet OCD and IBS

nuff said.

it would have to be on MTV though...'cause we swear a lot.


PMKU said...

Sure come on over and watch my 3 ring circus. I think we would be on Bravo. rofl...

Becca said...

My life is too boring for a reality show lol. But if my dad had a reality show, it would be on the golf channel because he spends most of his time watching golf, going golfing and buying stuff for golf lol

Unknown said...

Never My life is my life and while sometimes it may seem like a soap opera I want my privacy!

kailani said...

I don't think anyone would be interested in my life right now. :-(


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